Friday, November 27, 2009

Running. Day 6 - Week 3/24

Today's run was supposed to be 20 minutes, with 5 minutes each of warm-up and cool-down.

I set out and my heart rate monitor was not registering quite right. And, after the warmup (and getting stopped a minute into the jog by a traffic light), I set off. The run felt pretty good at first.

About 6 minutes in, my calves started to feel pretty heavy. I kept going, and they didn't get better, but they didn't get any worse, either. At around the 18 minute mark, I realized that I'd picked a somewhat too-long route. So, I decided to add on an extra minute and a half to compensate for the pause at the traffic light, and eat up some of the extra distance.

The extension felt good enough that I just kept going, and increased my run-time to 25 minutes. At the end, my heart rate was holding at 166bpm.

So, I'm feeling pretty good after the last run of my third week.

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