Friday, November 27, 2009

Running. Day 6 - Week 3/24

Today's run was supposed to be 20 minutes, with 5 minutes each of warm-up and cool-down.

I set out and my heart rate monitor was not registering quite right. And, after the warmup (and getting stopped a minute into the jog by a traffic light), I set off. The run felt pretty good at first.

About 6 minutes in, my calves started to feel pretty heavy. I kept going, and they didn't get better, but they didn't get any worse, either. At around the 18 minute mark, I realized that I'd picked a somewhat too-long route. So, I decided to add on an extra minute and a half to compensate for the pause at the traffic light, and eat up some of the extra distance.

The extension felt good enough that I just kept going, and increased my run-time to 25 minutes. At the end, my heart rate was holding at 166bpm.

So, I'm feeling pretty good after the last run of my third week.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Running. Day 4 - Week 3/24

Today's run was:

Run 8 min
Walk 5 min
Run 8 min

I ran outside, and had a heart rate monitor with me. This time, my heart rate stayed between about 165 and 175 when I was jogging, so that seems much better. It also drops off really quickly during the cooldowns, so that's also a good sign.

The running has been mostly ok, though I'm unsure how well friday's 20 minute run will go. But, we'll see.

Current Weight: 186

Monday, November 23, 2009

Running. Day 2 - Week 3/24

Today was Day 1 of Week 5 of the couch-to-5k program. This week is interesting because each day is different.

Today was 5 min warm up, and then 3x(5 min jog + 3 minute run) with an extra 2 minutes of cool down at the end.

My dad came out, and the jog felt pretty good.

Current Weight: 183lbs

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Running. Day 7 - Week 2/24

I missed my second workout this week, and decided to just continue on with the couch to 5-k program. So, today was the last day of Week 4.

My dad invited me along to the gym, so I did the workout on a treadmill. It was interesting to see both my speed and my heart-rate. There's still a lot of room for improvement.

I think that my jogging speed on the previous runs has been about 6-7 mph. And, I was surprised to see that my heart-rate was getting above 180 during the 5-min runs. So, my cardiovascular fitness really has some room to improve.

But, the run generally felt good, and after, I went up and lifted some weights.

Current Weight: 183

Monday, November 16, 2009

Running. Day 2 - Week 2/24

This was week 4 of the couch to 5k plan.

This week will be:
5 minute warmup

2x of
3 minute jog
90 second walk
5 minute jog
2.5 minute walk

And a 5 minute cooldown.

I was expecting tonight to be really unpleasant from the cold and the two days of rain. But, it actually went nicely. The cold felt good while I was jogging, and most of the water was off the ground. The increased time felt pretty easy, too. I think I'll try for a faster pace next time.

Current Weight: 186

Friday, November 13, 2009

Running. Day 6 - Week 1/24

I missed my run last night, so I went this morning. It's getting quite a bit easier. And, the podcast is still helping.

So, I've completed week 3 of the couch-to-5k program, and will go onto week 4 on sunday.

Current weight: 181.4

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Running. Day 3 - Week 1/24

Tonight I continued my couch-to-5k program.

The routine was:
5 min warmup
90 second jog
90 second walk
3 min jog
3 min walk
90 second jog
90 second walk
3 min jog
3 min walk

I found a podcast that had all the timings in it. It was nice to not need to keep checking a watch.

Current Weight: 186.0

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Running. Day 1 - Week 1/24

Alyssa convinced me to join her in the Illinois (Half) Marathon that's happening on May 1st.

I've got 24 weeks to get ready. It's a lot of time, but I really haven't been good about exercising this weekend.

So, tonight I did day 1, week 3 of the couch to 5k plan. It wasn't too bad, but I can definitely tell that I haven't been exercising much. Still, it's a start. Hopefully I'll be ready.